Not much of interest going on today, at least that should be published on the web. I am still keen on keeping up a phlog and possibly a weblog. I think I can do so with org-mode. At least that is my plan at the moment. I'm writing this text in org-mode, I've defined an org publish project which will org documents and use `(org-ascii-publish-to-utf8)' to generate a `.txt' file. The `.txt' file will need to be copied to my gopher space on sdf. I don't quite know how I will do that yet. Perhaps scp. Perhaps mount my gopher space over sshfs and use rsync. I'll have to write a function to create a gophermap as part of publishing the project. Additionally, I can create another project to use `(org-html-publish-to-html)' to generate `html' files. These files will need to be copied to my webspace at sdf. I'll have to write a function to create an approriate `index.html' as part of this publishing project. I can use the same source to create a phlog and weblog.