Plain-text chat =============== Happy new year people of port 70! For christmas I made myself a present with this beautiful machine[0]. I want to make it a part of the #pubnixverse, not sure of what I'll be able to offer there but it's already a lot of fun setting up. I've joined the 2019 finger revival intiated by solderpunk with his cool fellosh tool[1]. You can check my latest project and plan with: finger tomasino wrote some notes on how to install talkd[2] so if finger says I'm available you can try to chat with me using: talk I love the idea of making an alternative and better internet with those original tools and protocols. In other news I'm getting married next week, can't wait! Tags: #pubnix #finger #talk [0] gopher:// [1] gopher:// [2] gopher:// ------- Last update: 6 January, 2019