---------- With Regards to Bureaucracy December 03, 2022 ----- "We cultivate the hatred of bureaucracy in our Company and never for a moment hesitate to use that awful word `hate'. Bureaucrats must be ridiculed and removed. They multiply in organizational layers and behind functional walls - which means that every day must be a battle to demolish this structure and keep the organization open, ventilated and free. Even if bureaucracy is largely exterminated, as it has been at GE, people need to be vigilant - even paranoid - because the allure of bureaucracy is part of human nature and hard to resist, and it can return in the blink of an eye. Bureaucracy frustrates people, distorts their priorities, limits their dreams and turns the face of the entire enterprise inward." - Neutron Jack Welch ===== kimek [gopher://sdf.org/1/users/kimek]