---------- A Couple New Projects December 16, 2023 ----- Not being one to let opportunities for impulsive decisions fly, I have picked up a couple more projects. The first being chickens. Friends had an excess rooster and hen which their existing flock would not accept from another breed and came my way. They have been simply enough sorted for now by fabricobbling a scrap material roost in a corner of the barn. Such frivolities as egg boxes, a possible run, and more birds will be a springtime concern. My second project is a slightly more interesting revolver test. A not-really-used Charter Arms Bulldog was picked up cheap for a god awful hitch in the trigger and broken gun pricing. While fiddling, I noticed the hitch to occur as one specific chamber carried up so I plopped down the money and took the little 44 Special home. The hitch was mostly eliminated with some stoning, carbide scribe feeling, and abrasive paste cycling in the one bit of star which had a teeny defect catching the hand. That mostly sorted (the remaining ghost of a hitch will be remedied by vigorous dryfire), I cut the pinkie section off the stocks to shorten to a two-finger grip. The cut was blended to proper finish by sanding and abrasive pad. While the tools were still out, I also rounded the tip of the hammer spur to a semicircle with file and sandpaper to make it less snaggy. The hammer may get fully bobbed in the end, however. Now to finish typing here and go pack a range kit to test function, point of impact out to 25 yards, and velocity with some 240 grain flat point "cowboy" loads from the ammo locker. If that all goes well, I'll have to cook up a kydex inside-the-waistband holster when I return home. While not planning on making the little big bore snub a carry gun, it will be fun to see ho long it holds up to a diet of light to middling 44 Special and maybe a handgun match just because. For the latter, I should also lay in some HKS speedloaders when I get around to ordering more ammo and reloading components for the fool thing. And paint the sights after any filing needed for regulation...there ain't no rest for the wicked. ===== kimek [gopher://sdf.org/1/users/kimek]