---------- Envelopes and Humidity January 23, 2024 ----- The humidity around here keeps activating the flap adhesive on paper mailing envelopes. In order to mail a simple letter, one needs to sort through the box to find an envelope that will be less damaged in peeling open. After that annoying - and wasteful - search, the flap needs to be glued back down. The latter point is not a big deal for someone who regularly seales the flap with an added sticker but is still an issue for most. Luckily, a simple solution has been discovered: store new envelopes in an ammo can with decent gasket and toss in a couple dessicant packs. Fresh, usable envelopes every time they are needed in addition to crush protection. As a bonus, the storage can is a centralized place to store the fool things so no one walks off with the box and leaves it lying around somewhere to be forgotten. The most important aspect of the ammo can is the fact that one feels like an officer preparing an urgent dispatch to hand to some runner who may never make it back alive. I should find a field phone to set on the shelf next to the envelope can and run a wire to an outbuilding with a matching phone just because. ====== kimek [gopher://sdf.org/1/users/kimek]