# Users and Permissions Cheatsheet ## Create a user (called "ashley") ``` # useradd --create-home ashley ``` ## Create a user in groups "users" and "dev" ``` # useradd --create-home --groups users dev ashley ``` ## Create a user with the UID 1337 ``` # useradd --create-home --uid 1337 ashley ``` ## Create or change a user password ``` # passwd ashley ``` ## Add user to a group ("coder") ``` # usermod --append --groups coder ashley ``` ## Remove a user from a group ("coder") ``` # gpasswd --delete ashley coder ``` ## Delete a user from the system ``` # userdel ashley ``` ## Delete a user and all user data from the system ``` # userdel --remove ashley ``` ## Show which users are currently logged in ``` # w ``` ## Show login history ``` # last ``` ## Set default permission of files to 644 ``` # echo "umask 022" >> /etc/profile ``` ## Set default permission of files to 664 ``` # echo "umask 002" >> /etc/profile ``` ## Change ownership of a file ("example.txt") to user ("ashley") ``` # chown ashley:users example.txt ``` ## Give read permission to user, group, and others ``` # chmod ugo+r example.txt ``` ## Give write permission to user and group ``` # chmod ug+w example.txt ``` ## Remove write permission to a file for group members ``` # chmod g-w example.txt ``` ## Make a file executable ``` # chmod +x example.txt ``` ## Log in as a different user ``` # su - ashley ``` ## Run a command ("ls") as a different user ``` # su - ashley --comand ls ```