# Make MIDI loops with Seq24 There are many great synthesizers for Linux, and like synthesizers in real life, most of them can be controlled using the MIDI protocol. Digital audio workstations like [Ardour](https://opensource.com/article/21/12/music-linux-ardour), [Qtractor](https://opensource.com/article/17/6/qtractor-audio), and [Rosegarden](https://opensource.com/article/18/3/make-sweet-music-digital-audio-workstation-rosegarden) can send and receive MIDI, and they have a plugin structure that permits loading most synthesizers as a component of the application. I'm a fan of modularity, though, and sometimes a big all-in-one audio workstation is more than what I need. Thanks to the combination of JACK, ALSA, and MIDI, it's entirely possible to open a synth as a stand-alone application, and use a stand-alone sequencer to play and record that synth. There aren't many modular sequencers out there, but the one I use is [Seq24](https://filter24.org/seq24/). ## Install Seq24 Seq24 is a loop-based MIDI sequencer inspired by the Alesis MMT-8 and Akai MPC series of hardware. That means it essentially combines two ideas from the history of music: the player piano, and the tape loop. With Seq24, you can record MIDI phrases, and then build a song by activating them in different combinations during jam sessions or live performance. Seq24 isn't actively developed right now, but it is being maintained on [Launchpad](https://launchpad.net/~seq24team). A build for Fedora, CentOS, and other RPM-based distributions is available on [Copr](http://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/klaatu/seq24/): ```bash $ sudo dnf copr enable klaatu/seq24 $ sudo dnf install seq24 ``` You also need something to sequence, such as [Linux Sampler](https://opensource.com/article/21/12/linux-sampler) or [Zyn-Fusion](LINK TO ZYN FUSION ARTICLE). ## MIDI setup on Linux There are lots of great tools to help you setup MIDI on Linux, including QJackCtl and Patchage. For a simple modular setup, though, I find it just as easy to configure my rig from the terminal. Even if you don't normally use the terminal, the commands can help you understand what connections are being made, which makes you better informed should you need to troubleshoot. Regardless of whether you're using the terminal or a GUI helper application, the process is always the same: start JACK, then start your sequencer and synth. ### 1. Start JACK JACK is an audio connection kit for Linux that routes sound between different and ostensibly unrelated applications. It runs in the background as a *daemon*. First, you must identify your audio output device so that JACK knows where you want it to play sound (probably your computer speakers or headphones plugged into your computer) using `aplay`. Don't worry about deciphering (yet) the information you get back from this command: ```bash $ aplay --list-devices | grep card card 0: NVidia [HDA NVidia], device 3: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0] card 0: NVidia [HDA NVidia], device 7: HDMI 1 [HDMI 1] [...] card 1: Generic [HD-Audio Generic], device 0: ALC897 Analog [ALC897 Analog] card 2: DSP [Plantronics .Audio 626 DSP], device 0: USB Audio [USB Audio] ``` What does it all mean? Well, on my computer, I've got HDMI outputs that I don't use, and I know that those exist on my NVidia graphics card, so I ignore those entries. I also have a Plantronics brand USB headset attached, but I only use that for online gaming, so I can ignore that entry. The only output left is `card 1`, which must be my computer speakers (or headphones, which plug into the same audio port as speakers). This is probably different than your system, but by using the same process of elimination, you can find your desired sound output. In technical JACK terminology, `card 1` is `hw:1`. Once you have the device name of your preferred sound card, start the JACK daemon using the `alsa` driver for sound output and the `seq` driver for MIDI interaction: ```bash $ jackd --realtime \ -d alsa \ --midi seq \ --playback hw:1 & ``` I use the `&` symbol at the end of the command to force my terminal to give me a new prompt after it has started JACK. ## 2. Start the synth modules Now you can start the synthesizer you want to sequence, and the sequencer you want to use to do it. In this example, I use Zyn-Fusion and Seq24, both of which happen to have options (such as `--auto-connect` and `--jack-master` to specify their roles in my setup. Zyn-Fusion auto connects to JACK, and Seq24 auto-connects as the MIDI controller. I use the `&` symbol at the end of the command to force my terminal to give me a new prompt after it has started my applications. ```bash $ zynaddsubfx --auto-connect & $ seq24 --jack_master & ``` ![Modular synth setup](seq24-desktop.jpg) ## Composing music in Seq24 Seq24 is divided into eight columns and four rows. That means you can have a total of 32 loops in one project. To create a loop, right-click in a column and select **New**. This opens a classic "piano roll" editor, with a piano keyboard on the left and a grid representing each note over the course of four bars of four beats on the right. First, you must set your MIDI target so your loop knows what synth to trigger and what MIDI channel to use for communication. To choose your target, click the three dot button in the top toolbar and select your synth. Click the MIDI plug to the right to select a channel. ![Select a target](seq24-midi-target.jpg) (For your target to be meaningful, of course, you must assign an instrument to MIDI channel 1 in your synth.) Seq24 has a unique convention for entering and editing notes that seems confusing at first but quickly makes sense once you use it once or twice. * Right-click to activate the pen tool, and left-click (while still holding the right-click button) to draw a note. * Left-click to select a note. Left-click and drag to draw a selection box. * Middle-click and drag to modify the length of a selected note. I've tried using the alternate mouse controls available in the **Options** panel, and I can attest that my workflow suffered for it, so give the default a try. ## Playing loops Once you've got a loop composed, you can play it back from the main interface. Click the **Play** button in the bottom left of the Seq24 window, and then click on the loop to activate its sound. When you build up a few loops in your project, you can have different loops selected together to build a song. By default, Seq24 is in **Live** mode, meaning that you can select and deselect loops dynamically. You can click on loops to activate them, or you can use keyboard shortcuts. Keyboard shortcuts follow the QWERTY keyboard layout as much as it can, so ``1``, ``Q``, ``A``, ``Z`` toggle the first column of loops, ``2``, ``W``, ``S``, ``X`` toggle the second column, and so on. All of the keyboard shortcuts are documented in the **Options** panel (available in the **File** menu), so you can change them (as a Dvorak keyboard user, I especially appreciate this). ## Song editor Seq24 also has a **Song mode** that lets you map out the order loops are played to form a structured song. To switch between modes, go to the **File** menu and open the **Options** panel. In the **Options** panel, select the **Jack Sync** tab. Choose **Song Mode** and then click **Connect**, and then close the **Options** window. To see the song editor interface, select **Song Editor** from the **View** menu or press **Ctrl+E** on your keyboard. The song editor is functionally the same as the loop editor, except that you draw loops instead of notes. Available loops are listed along the left side of the window, and you can schedule them in the grid on the right using the same mouse controls as you use to create loops. ![Song editor](seq24-song-editor.jpg) When you're ready to hear your song, click the **Play** button. ## Simple studio Opening Seq24 and a good synth is the virtual equivalent of throwing an MMT-8, an MC-303, and some MIDI cables into a messenger bag and heading to your friend's garage to jam. It's easy, it's minimal, but it's 32 patches and 16 channels of raw power. Next time you're bored of your music collection and need something different, do yourself a favour and make some noise of your own. You might be surprised at how long you can be entertained by just a few looped bars when the music was made by you.