# How to unsubscribe from a mailing list If you're on an email mailing list long enough, at some point you're bound to see an email come through with a request to be unsubscribed. Typically, that email is answered by at least 10 other people on the list with instructions on how to unsubscribe properly. Those 10 responses are answered by 10 more people, confirming or commenting on the instructions. That's a lot of traffic to a mailing list just so one person can unsubscribe. Unsubscribing from a list can be confusing, though, especially if you've gotten onto the list by accident. It's frustrating to discover that you've been added to a list, and it's annoying that you have to take time out of your day to extricate yourself. This article is here to help make unsubscribing fast, easy, and graceful. ## Unsubscribe by email Mailing lists are controlled by mailing list software (like [GNU Mailman](https://www.list.org/)) on a server. You probably aren't aware of the software controlling a mailing list you're on, because they're usually designed to stay out of the way and just deliver mail. But as a member of a mailing list, you actually have some user control over the software. Some mailing lists allow you to unsubscribe using an automated email address. It can be a little confusing, because the email address you use to unsubscribe is NOT the email address you use to send messages to the list. Essentially, you're sending a special command to the email server, telling it to take you off the list. This is a convenient method of unsubscribing, because it means you don't have to compose a message or wait for anyone to take action. You speak directly to the computer sending the email, and it does exactly as it's told. To unsubscribe from a list, take the email address of the list and add ``-leave`` just before the ``@`` symbol. You can email a blank message; the computer doesn't care. The fact that you're emailing the list with the ``-leave`` command in front of the ``@`` symbol is all it needs. Here's an example. Say you've joined the mailing list Funny Squirrels. You send a few messages to funnysquirrels@example.com, but soon find that squirrels are not as amusing as you'd hoped. To unsubscribe, you can send an email to: ``` funnysquirrels-leave@example.com ``` You may get a final confirmation email back, and then you'll hear from the mailing list no more. ### Custom email commands Sometimes the administrator of a mail server changes the command required for unsubscribing. Ideally, the unsubscribe email address is provided in the footer of your mailing list, so check for that before sending your parting email. The thing to keep in mind is that an unsubscribe email *never* goes to the actual list, meaning you should never send an unsubscribe email to the same email address you used to post messages. There's a special, separate email address reserved for the unsubscribe command. ## Unsubscribing by web form Some mailing lists have a web form available. Ideally, they list this web form in the footer of each mailing list message. You can navigate to the web form and opt out of your subscription. This method is common for commercial mailing lists, and it's sometimes a way for them to capture any feedback you have about the list, why you're leaving, and so on. Like the automated email method, the intent here is for you to maintain full control of your own subscription. You never have to wait for a human to take you off of a list, and instead you get to issue commands directly to a computer. ![An example unsubscribe web form](mail-unsubscribe.jpg) A web form may send you a final confirmation email, and after that you should hear nothing from that mailing list ever again. ## Unsubscribing like a pro Leaving a mailing list is a guilt-free and nonagressive act. When you want to leave a mailing list, you should be able to find an unsubscribe email address or web form to make it automated and final. If you are unable to leave a mailing list, don't email the list. Very few people on the mailing list have control over who is subscribed, and in some cases the people who do have access to a list of subscribers are not monitoring the list itself, they're only maintaining the server. Instead, find out what server hosts the mailing list, and contact the hosting provider to alert them of the abuse. You can find the host of a mailing list by searching for the server name (the part of the email address to the *right* of the ``@`` symbol) on a ``whois`` service. If you're running Linux, you can do this from a terminal: ``` $ whois example.com ``` Otherwise, use the [whois.net](http://whois.net) website. Whois provides you with the Internet hosting provider of any email server, plus the abuse and support contact information. Remember: you are always free to leave a mailing list for any reason, without the permission of anyone other than yourself. And now that you know how, you'll be able to unsubscribe like a pro!