Day 2: 11th July Didn't spend that much time on screens today. I did email and some Web surfing this morning. Right now I'm compiling GNU Octave on the T42 using the semi-official slackbuild. Actually, I'm part way through compiling OpenBLAS which is a dependency. Below is the first few lines from top bash-5.1$ top -b -n 1 top - 20:09:41 up 2:25, 3 users, load average: 1.14, 1.30, 1.32 Tasks: 141 total, 2 running, 139 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie %Cpu(s): 80.8 us, 19.2 sy, 0.0 ni, 0.0 id, 0.0 wa, 0.0 hi, 0.0 si, 0.0 st MiB Mem : 480.9 total, 66.0 free, 221.2 used, 193.7 buff/cache MiB Swap: 1024.0 total, 967.2 free, 56.8 used. 237.8 avail Mem PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SHR S %CPU %MEM TIME+ COMMAND 4547 root 20 0 47628 22664 15844 R 69.6 4.6 0:00.34 cc1 4545 keith 20 0 5128 2964 2428 R 4.3 0.6 0:00.05 top 1 root 20 0 2400 1408 1376 S 0.0 0.3 0:00.79 init As you can see progress is sedate and there is some use of swap. I have a couple of UXTerm windows going, the various compilers and build tools that the slackbuild script runs, and Seamonkey's Web browser component and Composer (page editor) component. One advantage of using the powersave CPU governor is that the laptop stays nice and cool... but compilations proceed in a sedate manner. The interface remains responsive and Seamonkey is useable. bash-5.1$ sensors acpitz-acpi-0 Adapter: ACPI interface temp1: +44.0°C (crit = +93.0°C) thinkpad-isa-0000 Adapter: ISA adapter fan1: 2991 RPM CPU: +44.0°C GPU: +46.0°C temp3: +29.0°C Why am I compiling GNU Octave? Well I thought that I had already compiled Octave packages for Slackware 15.0 but found that they were all 64 bit. Compiling is the usual way of adding software additional to default Slackware install. There are some repositories that provide pre-built binary packages but I could not find a 32 bit Octave build in any of them. SlackOnly is 64 bit only for Slackware 15.0. Why do I need GNU Octave? I'm teaching myself some linear algebra from Gilbert Strang's Linear Algebra for Everyone which I bought a copy of and collected today. The exercises suggest devising simple Matlab commands to explore some of the concepts in a concrete way with actual numerical matrices. Octave uses a similar syntax to Matlab, at least for the basics. Real Life: I bought Strang's book from which is an alternative to Amazon. Hive can deliver books to an independent bookshop that you choose near where you live, and the bookshop that you nominate gets a small cut of the markup on the book. The only problem is that Birmingham does not have a large number of independent bookshops, so I had to go across the city to pick the book up. Exploring the unfamiliar neighbourhood lead to an old-school greasy spoon cafe. Plenty of space, not many people in, no flat screen television, radio on in the background at an almost subliminal volume level. So I stayed there for some time writing (in a notebook with a pen). I'll be typing up some of the stuff tomorrow in Lyx. Reflection: I've been reading the pages that some of the other participants are putting up. Quite a range! I think the most minimal must be the Amiga CDTV with 9Mb of RAM (not a misprint!) which Steve Lord uses to process pictures from an old digital camera. I'm thinking along the lines of trying a Linux distribution that is roughly contemporary with this T42 laptop and seeing how far I can get. The limiting factor will always be the Web browser.