^*Why the Internet is such a part of who I am* Such humble beginnings. 300 bps. 1988. First modem. Like giving sight to a blind person or waking up one day and suddenly you can fly into outerspace without a helmet and no one can stop you. ...a thin stream of noises streaming down copper wires to other computers far far away... For the first time, I could talk to people from around the world. I could make friends whose real names I never knew, I learned how to talk to anybody about anything from any background at any time online. I learned not to judge, how to understand a multitude of perspectives that were different from my own and embrace them; "Who is right" and "Who is wrong" became unimportant. What became important is the connection of minds in a realm that would have been impossible in any other time in the history of mankind. I'm grateful to have grown as the Internet grew, evolved as it evolves. I remember the world before and I got to be a part of its public beginnings... and have enjoyed it ever since. I've been able to appreciate the new - and also able to see when someone is repackaging the same old thing that was around years ago, just with a different name, a different interface, all with stickers with "New" all over it... Things that are *truly* new are rare. When they come along though, they are truly amazing and the change the face of reality for the whole population. This was one of those things. Such humble beginnings.^