#deskmate - looked better than #windows - it had colors! *It's perfectly Safe, Mom, we met online first! - Ken, 1990* And there's #pclink - an online service you've never heard of. It became #AmericaOnline or #AOL 1993: The #year the #Internet went public. Thanks to these guys. Without them... well, the Internet would most likely still be only something that kids that went to #college ever got to use, which is what it was before that. Ran up so many bills. I called friends from around the world that I met in #chatrooms on there and we'd talk for hours and hours about... nothing. Got on a few #greyhound buses too. My poor mom. ''You don't know these people!'' - ''But Mom, we met online! It's safe!'' And it always worked out, so I can't complain.