^Why aren't we solar powered yet and can't be for some time to come (by Kenneth Udut but you can use it freely) The trouble though is this: http://notrickszone.com/2014/03/25/analysis-shows-solar-modules-cause-more-greenhouse-gas-emissions-than-modern-coal-power-plants/ Our current style of production of solar panels creates more greenhouse gases even than coal. "The passage of time does not change the inherent differences between different types of fuels. Oil is still the fuel of preference for long-distance travel, because (a) it is energy dense so it fits in a relatively small tank, (b) it is a liquid, so it is easy to dispense at refueling stations, and (c) we are now set up for liquid fuel use, with a huge number of cars and trucks on the road which use oil and refueling stations to serve these vehicles. Also, oil works much better than electricity for air transport." http://theenergycollective.com/gail-tverberg/372146/eight-energy-myths-explained The energy density of oil is very hard to beat. Without the right kind of batteries/fuel cells at the right price, and without manufacturing methods that aren't worse than current methods; PLUS the fact that consumers (residential and commercial) need to get the value out of their current purchases (which will take at least a generation) - adaption of solar energy will take some time. Conversion of airplanes to solar will be the "killer app". It has to have the raw power. We're not there yet. There's a lot we can do to help... but a worldwide conversion to solar is more than having the right amount of solar panels. Not everything runs off of a cord. -Ken^