*How #KennethUdut #debates online - and why he can be *so freakin' annoying to deal with* by Kenneth Udut of course :) I just like to shake up people's certainties. I distill my certainties carefully, continually pitting ideas against one another to see what stays and what has to go on the back burner and hibernate for a while. I come up with conclusions and test them out by throwing it out there, like spaghetti against a wall to see if it's done by sticking. What I look for? a) circular arguments If I see circular reasoning, where everything makes perfect sense in their world... I know there's a limit to how far I can talk to them. A leads to B leads to C leads to A which makes A = C'' type of logic. b) stereotypical arguments (apologetics is the old fashioned word for it) If I see the SAME arguments presented by DIFFERENT people on different forums, even about different topics (like ''Jesus is the Answer'' or ''Science is about objective, evidence based...'' etc etc... I know I'm not getting far either. They're not talking to me - it's a programmed response that comes from being within a belief system; immersed in it, in fact. c) What's left. Humans I can talk to. I try to shake off the programmed responses as quickly as I can, by showing how I don't fit into their neat little boxes. This can be frustrating to some and so they leave. I'd like to consider that a victory but I can't, because I prefer understanding with disagreement than seeing a rage quit. There's humans beneath the politicized responses... and I like to find them. If I have to present myself as the Village Idiot to do so, well, then that's what I'll do. :)#