I think people should be taught to stand up for themselves, but I don't think bullying behavior need to be a required part of the curriculum. Academics and testing is the main focus in school, yet socializing is something kids have to reinvent with each generation - you'd think we'd have made *some* use of basic social psychology in the school system... but no... they have to "tough it out"; and many without helpful friends, siblings, teachers, uncles or aunts or grandparents to keep them from going down a bad path. "Lord of the Flies" isn't a documentary; but school *can* be brutal, no matter *what* programs are trying to do. Most people *don't* ask for help from the "pink shirts" as it were; and while some people do "harden" and learn to fight with their fists, not everybody does. What good does fighting with your fists solve in the adult world? Romanticizing bullying may be a fine way to deal with one's own past, but why do kids of today have to go through it? It's 2014; yet kids are still getting pushed around for lunch money? Swirlies? Broken teeth and mercilessly teased by mean-girls-in-training in the 4th grade? Do we need a future generation of "Desperate Housewives?" Of course power differences won't go away; but I don't know why the system has to encourage it as it does. Anti-bullying programs are minimally effective; for the small percentage who "tell"; I suspect most don't and those who don't fight, silently suffer. How much art was never painted because mean girls got away with teasing a boy about his dinosaur drawing and the kid gave up on Art forever? Or the kid who was naturally good at math, but the requirements to "show your work", getting an F for getting the right answers but not showing the steps, reduces his self-confidence and gives up trying - just following the steps? If his natural abilities were encouraged, could he have been a future genius? We'll never know: School homogenized and packaged and successfully produced another "average". All people aren't the same and shouldn't be forced to be schooled the same. There's a lot of potential we'll never know because someone's dreams was shattered by a 5th grade bully who ripped up a girls English paper she poured her heart into and she says, "Screw writing; what's the point?" and we lose a future great author. I agree about sticking up for your beliefs; sticking up for your abilities; sticking up for what you stand for; but I don't believe bullying needs to be a requirement for toughness or success. The people exhibiting the bullying behavior need help and they need it young; but it will continue to get encouraged by people of our generation who see it as a rite-of-passage, rather than the nursury of future criminals; after all, the people in jail now? They went to school with us too. What crimes did they commit young that nobody ever told about? We'll never know.