Yeah - I got about 1/2 way through last night.* I'll finish it later on.* What's keeping me focused is connecting it to other movies and stories as well as movements that happened in real life that parallel it.* I'm always analyzing things, which keeps me from being bored. :) I don't have much trouble with foreign movies with subtitles; I'm deaf in one ear (and blind in one eye), my good ear sucks, so I got used to always trying to figure out what was going on using more than just the words I hear.* Body language, or subtitles (which in the case of "real life" is the subvocal murmur in my phonological loop asking, "What did he just say?" and puzzling it out). - always was helpful to me. Real life is like living through a foreign film without subtitles sometimes. I still suck at body langauge, faces, stuff like that.* But I'm driven to keep trying.