It's something worth pausing and thinking about, definitely.* It's a strange thing; to neither be the hero nor the villain but something other.* Not everyday, yet not supreme.* Are you the freedom fighter or the terrorist?* It's all about who tells the story and why.* Yeah... I have that thought myself: "You are not a hero".* It's why, as much as I might dream of it, I don't consider myself a Role Model.* I love myself as a survival mechanism against my own worst side: The Inner Critic, who never completely shuts up.* But I don't let it take over.* At the same time, I'm just a guy, doing whatever it is that I do, neither a selfless martyr nor a narcissistic driven villain nor a freedom fighter for a higher cause. Well, a little bit of the last one.* Actually a lot of it.* Not to be a role model but to help others untangle their own knots. The UnTie-er.* eh.* The Unraveller.* Nah.* The "Whattaya got to lose? Go ahead and try it but use all of your smarts"guy?* Hm. yeah; that's closer.* That makes me hero and villain in one I suppose.