I also appreciate One Direction - if for no other reason for being a commercial success [yes, manufactured, sold, constructed, stamped, processed, complete with expiration date] - It's a machine I couldn't be a cog in. It's like politicians: I've been working for DECADES (yeah, since I was like 8 years old and got my first realization about politics: They were just as bad as TV commercials, which I had *JUST* realized were full of crap (I later learned the word was "hyperbole") - I believe it might have been disappointment at a SUNDAY, SUNDAY, SUNDAY type Ad for the Circus which turned out to be NOTHING like they promised... and it was the 1980 presidential election.... and I wanted the #3 guy to win because.. he was... INDEPENDENT - loved that word. Didn't care what he stood for 'cause.. I was 8. I did some research two nights ago to see what he stood for because I didn't know and... I *still* don't care what he stood for... or any politician for that matter. Anyway, took me decades to finally appreciate the very thing they are really good at is *exactly* the thing I couldn't do: Be a Mouthpiece for "this is what I *have* to say" and fake authenticity. Now? I understand and I respect it for what it is. Still working on full acceptance though. By comparison to politicians, One Direction is just pathetic yet raking in the bucks successfully...and for being a successful part of the Music Industry Machine... I give them props/kudos/etc.