"as soon as man comes to life, he is at once old enough to die." Can't really split the two up.* They're not really opposites.* They're the same thing.* You got Born: [DATE] - Died: [DATE] But all the *really interesting stuff*?* _It's in the -_ Being "Here", "Now", wherever here and whenever now is is about the best thing you can do for yourself.* I'm not saying you should be selfish, or live for yourself only or anything like that, but rather, *be interesting* to yourself.** Or be bored in your boredom if that's what you like.* If you got something to throw yourself into - then *THROW YOURSELF INTO IT*.* It's your life.* That - is yours.* It's you. Be the most bored you that you can be, if you like.* Or - go do something you find interesting and _dive in_.* And change your mind if you like.* Or stick with it if you like.* It's your - .* You're the - and living in the - . We're probably not gonna know our own *Died* number and really, that's why it doesn't matter.* You're in the - right now.* You matter.* Doesn't matter when you're born.* Doesn't matter when you die.* It matters that you're in the - --- you're reading this, so it's gotta be true, right? And yeah, anxiety is part of it.* Angst.* Everybody feels it sometimes.* Well, when you're ready to let go of the angst, then let go of it.* Or if you want to hang on to it, hang on to it.* It's your - . -Ken