Might as well have 70 be the new 40.* Then they also say: 13 is the new 30 etc. I'm 42.* I happened to be thrust onto this planet 42 years ago, almost 43.* I could've been born 12 years ago.* Or 2300 years ago.* Or 17,000 years into the future. But, whether I wanted to or not, it was 42 years, 11 months ago that I entered this particular Timeline. My age only bothered me twice: Once when I was 17, a day before my 18th birthday, and thought, "End of childhood."* I was right and wrong.* Adult world has been both easier and harder, mostly easier, and childhood?* Eh, left it yet never left it.* It was far less of a big deal than I thought at the time. Also at 17, I imagined how I'd look when I was in my early/mid 40s.* Look at that profile picture: that's it. The other time is when I was 20.* I was like, "Not a teenager, not an adult.* Not a teenager not an adult".* For some reason, that bothered me greatly. After 21, I didn't give a rat's tail about my age. I'm just happy I'm not dead.* Also, I enjoy the heck out of the moments in each day that I'm not in the middle of dreading.* I'm still in the - between the day I was born and the day I'm gonna die.* Good enuf. Yeah, marketing is stupid.* 30 is the new 20.* No, 30 is 30, 20 is 20.* They can't even do numbers right.