I've been wrestling on and off with questions and concepts, most of which I formed in elementary and in middle school - same age range (10-13ish mostly, some younger, some older). One of them was a thing I saw with my mind where I could see everything at once without color or reflection and the only way to tell things apart was through refraction of colorless light, yet everything otherwise stayed exactly the same. It's what happened when I asked myself, "What if there was no color?" At the time, after I came out of that thing I saw in my head (actually, I kind of saw it all around me superimposed. It was pretty cool, probably too much hot cocoa or candy but whatever), all I could think of is, "Maybe the electrons could cooperate and line up like miniblinds and the photons could just whiz through them". It's also the same thing my 11/12 year old mind came up with as an answer for how to pass through solid objects [cooperating electrons passing through next to each other and not annoying each other] 42, going on 43 now, my thoughts on it really haven't changed. As much as I've learned since then, I really haven't. I'm still that 11 year old kid pondering things like that and having had 30+ years, on and off, to research, hasn't given me an answer that comes closer to "why it wouldn't work", with the exception of one or two principles that, to me, still rather seem like fancy ways of saying, "IT IS WHAT IT IS NOW SHUT UP" rather than good explanations. Yeah, I think I was at my smartest then. Of course I've learned a lot since, but fundamentally? Not much. Just more details.