Humanism has some of the reasonings worked out to justify feed the poor/care for young / charity). They've at least made some attempts over the last.. hm.. 120 yrs or so (I forget the timeline of humanism honestly) but some attempts have been made, although that's a philosophy rather than a science. Ethics tries, although it kind of falls short a little. It doesn't _quite_ reach the level of depth of caring that you find in many religions. Science doesn't have a "core to reach" as it is externalist - outward-looking-in. Religions tend to have an "inner something" that they're trying to reach and believe it to be there. That's the lacking bit in science. The inner "something"; hence the general public view of science as being cold, unfeeling, uncaring, empty and vacuous of humanity. I see the caring in science via the scientists; their drive and passion (with, of course, many who are just trying to get a paycheck, like any other job), but you know what I mean.