"You have to see something in yourself to believe it about yourself. It can be pointed out to you though." -[1]Jonathan Norton You've probably summed up one of my more overreaching "life-missions" in those two sentences. I have seen the negative side of people pointing out flaws and then watching the recipient begin to believe it, as well as experiencing it myself. So, I make it a point to attempt to combat that when I can by pointing out specific positives in others when I see them, so that they can see it for themselves. Once I get a sense that they're beginning to believe they're a little more capable than they thought they were before, then I can walk away. I'll reinforce for them if I have to but once they start believing it in themselves even a tiny bit, they can find their sun, soil, water, nutrients elsewhere. It's why I decided not to become a psychologist. They drag the process out for *way* too long. [and some ppl don't want to be "helped" - and a dozen other reasons why I wouldn't do it. I also didn't like the high suicide rate among psychologists and if I wanted to become a psychologist to learn more about myself, then I'll just learn more about myself on my own. Cheaper, easier, less stressful,etc] References Visible links 1. https://www.facebook.com/jonathan.norton.904?fref=ufi