Yes - the 5s and 10s are part of our magical thinking caused by being raised with a base-10 math.* They're easy to do, we like them and.. they're kind of magical:* in our heads, we can do 10000 + 10000 as easily as 1+1 :P*** It's not a bad thing but yeah the pattern of 10s in the data I kind of expected but I'll definitely check out the link because I always love learning more. Certain numbers do seem to have magical qualities for various reasons, many perhaps culturally based.* 17 is significant in American data it seems, but data pull has 17 as being similar to the surrounding numbers.* Different area of the world, different cultural expectations.* That's kind of where I was edging towards; the cultural bias of this which is why I *really* appreciate sreejith's duplication. from a different place. 3 is an interesting case as well.* *Is* there something that "happens at 3*?* I learned in child psychology that "fantasy thinking leads to concrete thinking between the ages of 3 and 4"... but is that really so? I've accepted that as I was taught it,* but honestly, if anything, an increasing awareness of the BS around them seems to be taking place more than anything, with a greater and greater ability to comprehend and utilize it successfully. Still, there *seems* to be something that happens around 3-4 yrs old, and something else around 8-9: cultural? biological?* I don't know.* But whatever the source, the importance of peers seems to dominate beginning around the age of 7, the chattering, the rumor-passing, the slander, the great shames and the awesome triumphs... it is a very dramatic age yet often a drama either self-contained or restricted mostly to "kid world". Yet at the same time, a great confidence at facing the adult world head on ALSO seems to happen:* The nature of defiance changes often, either into bold confrontation without backing down... or agreement with a smile while doing what you want anyhow while *also* being fully aware of the consequences... all happening simultaneously.* Not in all cases but in many it seems.* I remember being a part of it myself, seeing it around me.* I feel in some ways, I was my smartest in 4th grade (not grade-wise but confidence) with ups and downs iterating since then - but that's definitely the beginnings of my self-awareness that at its core, hasn't changed much through the decades. Before 7?* Mish-mosh of images although many solid memories there too.* But not the sense of "I AM KENNETH UDUT"; it was more of a "this is right and wrong but I really don't know why".* Around 7, I knew why and by 8 and 9, I would tell anybody who asked - even if they didn't ask.* I really haven't changed :D