I believe there should be some sort of "inbetween" that takes into account psychological distinctions, allowing some sort of paid, highly monitored apprenticeship system to form [alternative education has always been an interest of mine, ever since I read Summerhill and John Holt book when I was 13 in my public library - and I'm 42 now] But that's unrelated to the issue at hand. Even without an "inbeween" system, and things remain strictly 0-17 | 18-Death A weighted down, parental permission-given system would increase ownership. It would never happen though. I watched in my lifetime as the newspaper route I had (which sucked) at 12, was taken over by grown white men in trucks... and the passbook account I had at 8, and limited checking account I had at 13... became no longer a possibility for today's kids. I learned money young. Served me VERY well because I had a stake in it. Kids today? Childhoods extended into their 40s. Not that there's anything wrong with that per se... but there's less and less 'need' to participate in anything but the next World of Warcraft thing... and sit at home, smoking pot and elderly mothers taking care of their sons. It's not that it's necessarily a *bad thing* per se... but the more capabilities are taken away young, the less responsibility one feels for their own lives... the more control is gained by those who *do* know how to wield power well... and no one will care. * ooh, ageism. but I suppose the influence of parents would likely be too strong in that case. Maybe a kids' vote could get a weighed percentage. Disconnection from the surrounding country, raising kids in a bubble I think, leaves us walking around confounded when we're adults, as the civic process is barely addressed in schools. [1]24 mins * [2]Like * [3]1 * [4][IMG] [5]Ty Ashberry Would you trust children that are still learning to spell their name to vote for our country? [6]22 mins * [7]Like * [8][IMG] [9]Ty Ashberry They would just vote for who ever their parents told them to check. The thing is that children don't have the ability to legally sign a contract like a ballot. [10]21 mins * [11]Like * [12][IMG] [13]Kenneth Udut [14]Ty Ashberry On a weighted amount, yes, if for no other reason, for further study into the nature of parental/peer/media influence upon children, which gives us insight into a whole host of "what it is to be human". But much more than that. They get practical experience in the voting process that *can* make a difference, even if minimal. No sense of "this is *my* country" is really encouraged. Having kids grow up with a sense of this is my country and worth my time, would change things dramatically, when those 4 year olds that can't write, become 45 year olds running for presidential office. For me, when I vote, for example, I will sometimes look at the person or issue I voted for. Whoever I'm with at the time I'll point at it and go, "See that 7? That would have been a 6 if I didn't go there today!" Sense of ownership. I'm all for a philosophical stoic apathy of sorts (perhaps not as extreme but in the 'gist' of it as it were) - but not apathy when it comes to our relationship with the future world that isn't here yet. [15]Just now * [16]Like References Visible links 1. https://www.facebook.com/groups/neoacademiaannex/permalink/656491721139295/?comment_id=657385747716559&offset=0&total_comments=96 2. Like this comment https://www.facebook.com/groups/neoacademiaannex/656491721139295/?notif_t=group_comment_follow# 3. https://www.facebook.com/browse/likes?id=657385747716559 4. https://www.facebook.com/ty.ashberry.9?fref=ufi 5. https://www.facebook.com/ty.ashberry.9?fref=ufi 6. https://www.facebook.com/groups/neoacademiaannex/permalink/656491721139295/?comment_id=657386121049855&offset=0&total_comments=96 7. Like this comment https://www.facebook.com/groups/neoacademiaannex/656491721139295/?notif_t=group_comment_follow# 8. https://www.facebook.com/ty.ashberry.9?fref=ufi 9. https://www.facebook.com/ty.ashberry.9?fref=ufi 10. https://www.facebook.com/groups/neoacademiaannex/permalink/656491721139295/?comment_id=657386164383184&offset=0&total_comments=96 11. Like this comment https://www.facebook.com/groups/neoacademiaannex/656491721139295/?notif_t=group_comment_follow# 12. https://www.facebook.com/kenneth.udut?fref=ufi 13. https://www.facebook.com/kenneth.udut?fref=ufi 14. https://www.facebook.com/ty.ashberry.9 15. https://www.facebook.com/groups/neoacademiaannex/permalink/656491721139295/?comment_id=657391484382652&offset=0&total_comments=99 16. Like this comment https://www.facebook.com/groups/neoacademiaannex/656491721139295/?notif_t=group_comment_follow#