I tend towards what's considered more "feminine interests" when it comes to theory of reality: Comparative Religion / Mythology, Psychology, Sociology - the "softer" stuff. Even when it came to when I worked in computers, I straddled the line between Business Analyst (often a female heavy profession) and IT (often a very heavy male profession) and I was a Systems Analyst (a "II", thank u very much - not that getting an extra I makes a darned bit of difference but a paycheck). [it's because my specialty was Microsoft Excel and VBA; scorn of IT Departments everywhere and beloved by Business Analysts - straddling the line between Logical System Requirements and Ad Hoc Reporting methodologies] So: in short, it took me 'til my early 40s to embark in studying Philosophy. It was very hard-knife edged to me but I was/am ready now. I understand why females tends to shy away from Philosophy groups. It's not for lack of interest in the subject matter. Rather, it's more a case of "style"; and they may be less impressed by the words of old dead men rather than figuring it out for themselves.... which... sometimes results in some very unique philosophical theories about the Universe... sometimes involving quirky interpretations of Quantum stuff and such, which is fine. We all gotta find our own way.