Martyrdom only works when there are people paying attention and who value you or your 'cause'. In 1990, I was at Hampshire College in Amherst MA (never finished *sigh* but I had a lot of fun). Anyway, six months into it, a guy in town self-immolated. He set himself on fire. Burned himself. I smelled it on the campus. Gross, disgusting smell. 9/11 was the next time I smelled that smell. Anyway, he got a write-up in the paper. There was a cause he was doing it for. No followup since then. Why? Nobody cared. He was a martyr for nothing and became a by-word. "Don't be like that guy who burned himself up for no reason". I have the clipping in my files but I don't know his name. I suppose he died happy though, so at least there's that. Here we are: [1] Gregory Levy. He died as a war protest. There. Now I know his name. References Visible links 1.