One can be rational "based on or in accordance with reason or logic." and also have justification ""the action of showing something to be right or reasonable." for murder. Sane "sensible, practical, advisable, responsible, realistic, prudent, wise, reasonable, rational, levelheaded, commonsensical, judicious, politic" shares the word rational. However, it's meaning is akin to a "reasonable person" and _not_ necessarily Logic. One can use Logic and Reason to Justify Murder. They will consider themselves Sane, because Logic is Rational. But in that case, they will not fit the definition of a "Reasonable Man", which defines Rational differently than Logic. Pure Logic does not imply Sanity. Nor does it imply Insanity. it is unrelated. Care must be taken in defining the term Rational properly. It means something quite different in different contexts. Many a logical murderer has become confused at being referred to as Insane when they were being perfectly logical. They, in fact, were insane: "in a state of mind that prevents normal perception, behavior, or social interaction" - because they lacked what is considered "normal perception, behavior", etc. Social norms apply. A rational insane person can exist, should the rational person be rational by virtue of Logic rather than by what is considered "A reasonable man". However, all that being said: "What is a reasonable person?" really? That's where things get even trickier. Personally, my opinion is that the concept of the reasonable person should be scrapped entirely and replaced with "social norms". it's far more honest that way. I don't believe a Reasonable Man exists; and attempts to gauge "true intent" are quite difficult. Cognitive Science will slowly chip away at "free will" until there is justification provided (however 'insane' as it may be) that free will simply does not exist. Once free will does not exist, then no one is culpable for ANY crime. It's a slippery slope, externalism combined with brain scans. Remove the impetus from the man, and the man has no responsibility. But it's the direction things are going. Oh well. Eventually Science will likely take over the courts and i don't necessarily see that as a good thing. Science is not ready to be in charge of society just yet.