My biggest realization with that was a few weeks staying at a Russian Orthodox Monastery when I was 27 or so. Wasn't long at all. But with plenty of time to think and surrounded by a small amount of really nice people, all with southern accents (None of us were Russian - all Americans - but I was the only one from New Jersey) - I felt it. I have a notebook somewhere full of notes about the nature of "stuff" and love and "niceness" (which Epicurus would call friends) and got a small taste of Epicurian life. And - it's true. My life-falls-apart/retirement plan is precisely Epicurian. Considering his ways are codified and maintained quite well in various monasteries [the monasteries in the Eastern Orthodox side are all quite similar, not split up into different types as in Roman Catholicism) - I'd probably go that route. Mind you, I'm not religious. But I'd do what I'm asked and put my all into it as authentically as I can. The prayer Schedule was spread throughout the day - starting at 4am - and I enjoy singing, so it was nice. There was always coffee around and simple work to be done, and plenty of time to study stuff, think, and chit chat. If there was a long-standing Epicurian community around, I might consider joining that instead. But I don't think they really exist, not with stability.