I'll add to the mix. Kids today are starting to experiment with their gender identification. Nothing new, but it happens from 3rd grade onwards rather commonly, as communities are no longer isolated islands where one must fend for one's gender alone; there is a whole Internet out there now for many kids in 1st world countries. As I do a lot of Science Vines (and I entertain people in a clownish, buffoon way), I've gathered a surprising following of kids on Vine. They like me. It's nice to have a following, so I just run with it. I don't care that there's a lot of kids there; and it encourages me to keep my material clean-ish as I would if I was entertaining my nephews or nieces. Now, I've noticed a number of them identify themselves as "gender fluidic". One common one among males is "Gender fluidic with slight preference for typically male interests". Versions of that - young guys who are sort of genderless in self-identity and appearance but with leanings towards their own... gender as it were. There's also a lot of girls who do the same; that happened even when *I* was in school, although they called it bisexual. Much better now with the terminology as it takes the "sex" out of the equation altogether. Facebook and G+ have responded well to this trend by allowing greater gender distinctons than before. Basically, male/female is out the window in the next generation or two to come, in my opinion and limited observations. That being said, will even a question of gender identity for a god even be an issue in the future, should gender fluidity take further root in the upcoming generations to come?