But think: WHY do we communicate? * We're doing it now. * It's so we can a _glimpse_ into "Other Minds" and share ours with others. * There's different degrees of understanding but dang, if we were *THAT ISOLATED* for real - then we wouldn't be here COMMUNICATING. * Perfect? No. But it's something. I worked with disabled kids when I was in my early 20s. Volunteered for a local cerebral palsy center full time. * You don't know isolated until your body doesn't cooperate at all and yet your brain is entirely intact. I only know through empathy and imagination what it must be like, but I helped a boy learn how to use a computer (I installed Tandy Deskmate on all their computers.. this is how long ago it was) - and how to type over a period of a few months. * Pull your arm up to your chest. Both of them. Push your fingers down as if you're going into a neverending spasm. Keep it in that spasming position and hunch your body forward to type while shaking. * You can do it, but it's hard. * But.. you can unfold your arms. They can't. * After showing him how to type, I let him be. Over a period of an 8 hours day, he typed a two paragraph, perfectly spelled, perfect grammar letter to his Mom, thanking her for all she's done for him. * He never typed before that. He never WROTE before that. He communicated by large boards with words already on them that he hunched over to point at. * But he knew how to spell, grammar, etc. I didn't help. * He was 20 years old. _THAT'S_ isolated. And yet, he was happy enough. * Can you get in the mind of someone else? Yes you can up to a point, and they can get into yours. It's communication. That's why we do it.