When I was 20/21, I worked for a little print shop in my little town in NJ. I just got back from Hampshire College. Anyway, the owner was an 80+ yr old Italian-American named Armand Mirabelli. All day long, I'd listen to the radio that *he* liked, which was Rush Limbaugh and some other NYC old man shock talker. Anyway, the other shock talker he was friends with came down to the shop now and again. Nice as can be in person but a prick on the radio. It was a show. Anyway, you'd think, by all appearances, that he was as right-wing as it came. And, in many ways he was. But one thing that my boss, this shock talk guy and Henny Youngman (who would also come down to the shop sometimes) had in common is this: Their view on abortion. "It's her business. Doesn't matter what I think. I don't have a uterus." Simple as that.