You're welcome Luis. Also, knowing the role you're playing at the moment - any moment. That's useful. Right now, I have the Professor outfit on. Patches on the elbows. Brown courderoy pants. Comfortable loafers. I'm standing at a chalkboard. I have chalk in my hand. Or, I'm standing up on stage. I'm giving a motivational speech. Or I'm a preacher wearing robes giving a sermon. This trick _really_ helps a lot. What role am I playing right now? It makes a lot of things ok. Is it "me" that you're seeing here? Yes it's me. Also, it's me playing a role. Being singularly authentic to me is something I'm still working on. and somehow I think it relates to accepting all of the roles as valid "me/not me". simultaneously. But again, I also could be full of crap and just pretending to know what I'm talking about.