yeah - priming is is the real source of psychological insight. the rest it is *possible* but the priming ACTUALLY seems to work. Yet, it's possible to defeat priming. A faster awareness of one's own internal processes [or more keen I guess] and priming doesn't work, at least the slower forms. I believe the key is N200 or N400 - I forget which was the magic general number. It's either somewhere around 200ms or 400ms that you have some sort of conscious control and at that moment you choose your response. Usually it's "go along with it". But I think probably because I think musically, I can fit a lot of notes separately in a 400ms space (that's only just under 1/2 a second) - and keep track of them. So it's harder to 'get me'. I can play the piano at 17 notes per second easily - that's about 60ms per note. I have conscious awareness of my fingers and can choose to change them at that rate of speed. I *think* I can do bursts faster... but I've damned fast. and clocked it at 17/s. Anyway, if I'm aware and awake and paying attention, I have control at that speed. But anything faster than that, probably not. But speed and efficiency are ALSO no guarantee of accuracy. Being introspective though, can defeat priming. Priming is a 'typical' human response. I think some of the visual priming can't be defeated when they're super-quick though. Not sure.