[actually I find most comparisons of greater/lessor are often far more fictional than fact with only the gloss of objectivity to it] I understand, still, the ultimate uniqueness of all 'stuff' kinda makes comparisons something for human convenience/interest, but I don't believe has much ultimate value. Why? Universe is at least 3D and spacetime. So is everything in it. Even our number line. Our 1D, 2D stuff is really All 3D+spacetime. We can pretend those things are not true for ease of manipulation but ultimately? all 3D+spacetime. Our computers aren't nearly powerful enough for that though, so we play around with flip/flop and excluded middle which causes problems when one runs into the "inbetween" state. tongue emoticon Computers have a VERY long way to go. You can also hash it to give each a unique value. Your hash can even include spacetime elements, IP address, geographical location on the planet, name of sender, names of receivers, etc, all bundled up with the instance of the usage of the words. I kinda prefer that method of comparison. Keeps the uniqueness of the exchange.