oh tell 'em. I do it all the time. My 6th grade teacher got kicked out of school (we're convinced this is why) because she taught us "We don't need no education" back in '83/84" and we weren't allowed to sing it in the halls. Today's kids have theirs too: it's: [1]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xe6nLVXEC0 who has my total respect, even if I disagree with some of his points. The 'gist' of his argument is sound enough. Feb 2015. I saw it the day after it came out and I loved it. He goes a 'tiny bit' too far, imo - 'cause some of the things he says are bullshit _are_ actually useful - but the 'gist of "they don't teach you how to be a functional adult" is very true and really, if by some happenstance everything he wanted to happen actually happened, it wouldn't be so bad. Pink Floyd went a little far with their thing too, but likewise, it was to prove a point, which it did. References Visible links 1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xe6nLVXEC0