Well, I can't speak for the rest of the historical record. Grace Hopper is one of my heroes and it bothers me that she gets slid over so frequently, placed as "GREAT WOMEN IN SCIENCE" or "GREAT WOMEN IN COMPUTING" OR "GREAT WOMEN IN ENGINEERING". The thing is, she was GREAT PERSON. The accounts of her story which emphasize that "look MEN, here's a WOMAN and she's BETTER THAN YOU" turn her story into an Oprah-worthy tale of COURAGE and BRAVERY against a male dominated society. In short, turned her story into every other story of bravery and courage against a male dominated society. The thing is, Grace Hopper was special and amazing. She's my hero because of the contributions she made and her ideologies of sharing code when others wanted to keep code departmentalized. The whole "Open Source" thing ultimately traces back to HER, not to the so many others that keep trying to take the credit. I could go on and on about other contributions she's made. The thing is: I don't hear about those specific contributions when she's included in WOMEN IN... lists. Instead, it's almost patronizing. "Wow, she's a WOMAN and she did ALL THAT!?! AMAZING!". No. She's a brilliant person successful partially through her nature and efforts and also happenstance (it happened that in the 1930s, women and men were EQUAL in Universities. We took a MAJOR STEP BACKWARDS after WWII that we haven't fully recovered from]. Ok, wait, No, I'm not going to do a Grace Hopper history lesson. Point is, the women who have bee slighted in history need to be treated side-by-side with the men. They need to be put in the same slots, equally. promoting separately and above, turns it into separately and below - highlighted temporarily only to be dismissed again until NEXT YEARS "GREAT WOMEN IN..." lists. That's wrong.