Uncertainty doesn't lead to fear. Predicting leads to fear. Uncertainty is not knowing. Not knowing can be exciting, fearful or a regular part of existence. -Ken OS: That's quite profound! The first two lines in particular: Wish I'd thought of 'em! KU: Thanks smile emoticon You can take 'em. I _just_ got up from a nap when I wrote it and I didn't really feel anything. Strange, dream-like state. Everything felt "NOW". I had no goal. No direction. I was just... there, not even trying to wake up. I didn't know much of what people were doing in the house, the noises they were making. I heard the machines going - air conditioning, fan, freezer... frogs chirping (they chirp here) , a cat wanting me to feed her. I was simply uncertain. I wasn't predicting anything. Planning my next move. I just stood there, feeling very "now". It was rather blank but interesting. So I sat in front of the computer, Wrote the first two lines. Woke up a little more, then did some thinking and finished it up. But the original thought-less thoughts were the first two lines. I'm glad you liked it and gave feed back. Thank you smile emoticon