"A group of women later vandalized Mahmood*s doorway with eggs, hot dogs, gum, and notes with messages such as *Everyone hates you, you violent prick.* I believe it's important to cultivate an environment that is respectful. However, when the respectful code is violated, responding with "everybody hates you, you violent prick" kinda says it all right there. They were complaining about HIS microagression and responded with REAL aggression? yeah. *sigh* - the problem isn't really anything written in that article. The problem is victim/bully mentality. It is becoming acceptable for ANYTHING to be justifiable so long as the other party is called "a bully". Justifiable Revenge. *that's* the problem. The kids aren't leaving the colleges weak-minded because of oversensitivity training. The article has it backwards; the responses tell the tale.