I shall. I believe nothing is impossible, so long as you're willing to change the context you are working from within. Some shifts of context are almost painful at first, because you're accustomed to doing things a certain way. I used to say "I don't care what other people think" but that was a lie. I *do* care what other people think, but I only care about the things they think about that are related to something I care about. Thankfully, knowing that I seem to fit the trope / archetype of the Doc Brown / Doctor Who / Nutty Professor, I allow that to be my persona, which affords me some freedoms in being more emotionally expressive than I might otherwise be, had I thought of "what people see" as "me". Since I'm in the continual process of discovery of 'me' - and since people generally view others based on stereotyped patterns of "what this or that 'group' of people are like" that they learned when they were young, AND they base a lot of their ideas about "people groupings" based on movies, tv shows, even more than tropes/stereotypes they find in their real lives... ...I knew that the appearance of "nutty professor guy who might be crazy but might be onto something" would be socially acceptable in its own way, hence appearances tongue emoticon - and that person is and is not me simultaneously. ...which is why I go forward bravely, without shame smile emoticon Thanks grin emoticon I love validation.