well, the 2 *does* retain the same quantity value - this is true - hence the power of quantum vs wave-style subatomic models. [quanta/count] And... actually, the 2 changes meaning depending on context. THAT'S its power. I have two oranges. I have two planets. 2 doesn't = 2 in any respect *except for* quantity. Yes, it's flipping it on its ear but consider it. 2 inches. 2 miles. 1 of the first item means something very different than 1 of the second item, with the exception of being a metric, an agnostic convenience relating a thing to itself. Can you see how numbers are poetic? So is symbolic logic - a form of very precise poetry. Listen to the adoration people who engage regularly in symbolic logic or mathematics speak of it; it is poetry to them. A person of higher mathematics will practically become teary eyed over an elegent formulas as a writer becomes teary eyed over the perfect sentence, which expresses meaning succinctly. Poetry. Practical poetry.