Yeah. Girls are extremely competitive. They compete for boys. If they can't compete for boys, they compete academically. That's the theory. And it seems to bear fruit. Seem to be similar with boys, although most of the evidence for that seemed to come from India. There seems to be more worldwide girls-school studies, so I trust the girl school's statistics. Yes, I repeated an old, incorrect myth. Even I was typing it, there was something in my head going, "are you SURE ABOUT THAT, Ken?" but I wanted to finish. I try to work at top typing speed with a slightly higher level of importance than accurate content, something I'm working on tongue emoticon In short, I was wrong. You're right. PS - having reread this, I'm embarrassed by it. Feels very old-fashioned and sexist, especially the first paragraph. But I said it, so I'll keep it for now.