Ok. First NO is this: "We used language to describe logic; therefore, language is the origin of logic. Without language, no logic exists." No. I am not denying the existence of logic. I'm searching for its origin among humans. I do not know if it has pre-existing form. I don't CARE of it is pre-existing or caused. I'm tracing the evidence as I find it, not looking for the Big Bang here. You're going too deep with me here. Allow me an analogy to help you understand my intentions. You seem to think I am seeking ULTIMATE YES NO. I'm not. How does Ken view Big Bang v God? I don't care. If Ken doesn't care, does he care where he came from? YES. How can he care about where he comes from if he doesn't care about ultimate origin? Because he doesn't care about ultimate origin. Then what origin does he care about? Ken is satisfied that the elements in his body, the earth, the sun, the galaxy, came from a Protostar that exploded, the pressure waves creating the heavier elements than Iron, while blasting into a giant molecular gas cloud, forming more elements, then collecting together via electrostatic charges, then gravity when heavy enough, and then into the Sun, planets, etc, through Gravity and Inertial forces and all the rest. "But what about everything else? The deeper stuff?" Doesn't matter. I don't need to go beyond the Protostar. Same here, Seedy. I don't need Ultimate Answers. I just want to trace back concepts as far as they can go, not test ultimate origins / essense of the thing / etc.