SCHOOLMATH: How to explain coping with the "Show Your Work!" to kids (3rd/4th grade) when they start complaining how stupid showing your work is. They're right: It's stupid. But it's necessary: "Just do the math the way you want in your head, and show the teacher what THEY want so they can show their boss (the principal) that they're a good teacher, and the Principal can show the school district that they're a Good school so that the Government will pat the school on the head, say, "Good job, little School! Here's your Money!" It's the truth. It's not that complicated and it's a logical reason why Show your Work is tied to Grades. Personally? I think "Show your work" should go away: If you get the answer right, you get it right. But, Education Theory still believes they're training logical/rational thinkers. Soooo 18th century. Oh well