I don't have a problem with atheism or atheists, as long as they don't get preachy, I'm ok with it. I have the same attitude with Christians, Muslims, whatever someone puts on their bumper stickers. Of course, I'm agnostic and I get equally preachy about that tongue emoticon But I think the majority religion online is atheism at present. I don't see much representation for other religions lately, although it might be because I was hanging around the Philosophy forums for a while now tongue emoticon I never saw SO MANY Ayn Rand fans in one place in my life. But it was fun. Still, if I never see the word Fallacy again, I'll be happier. Such cultish behavior as I've never seen. Magic word that one is, I guess. [and no offense intended: I'm using the general sense of Religion, not the weird OED 1928 definition that keeps popping up. I read a little about the editors of the OED (Oxford English Dictionary); yeah, they had some strong/strange ideas about things and slipped them in all over the place tongue emoticon ] I'd consider writing a book about that, but people love dictionary definitions rather cultishly, so I might get murdered by a page 337, def 2, sense a, alt. usage.