Thank you for sharing that with me; I think that's my biggest complaint right there: Everybody's different and has different needs. Yet, schools teach to a mythological "average student"; a creature that does not exist. They're trying to improve things. I'm *hope* they're on the right track with Common Core... but it's hard not to be really skeptical, considering how past experiments in education that are hastily implemented turned out. My brother was a victim of "New Math" in the late 1960s/early 1970s. I had to teach him how to do 10% by moving a decimal point over when we started a business. Math is full of little tricks. I believe in teaching things in steps; I learn well with steps when something is complicated and having everything spelled out helps me with mistakes. I love using Microsoft Excel as my calculator for that reason; everything I do is "right there" on a big sheet. I just think that a lot of people grow up believing they can't do math because some teacher somewhere reinforced the notion. "Girls are bad at math. Boys are good at math". It's likely I thought I was good at math because of that reason. Am I _really_ good at math? Oh well. I can't fix the system. I just wish there was room for all kinds in school; a place where people aren't punished for taking longer or being faster. They try to slow down the fast and speed up the slow.. and neither way is fair. We all have our own natural internal pace and I think that should be respected at whatever age we are.