The "first female" stuff typically seemed a little patronizing to me. I mean, if it is inspiring to some, then it's marvelous and should continue. But when I would see Grace Hopper described as "Amazing Women In Computing", I found the whole thing quite offensive really, because she was an amazing PERSON who did AMAZING THINGS... who _happened to also_ - be female. She stands tall and proud as a pioneer in so many ways, and I have uber respect for her. The fact the human is a she? If Grace Hopper was Grant Hopper, I would be equally impressed by the achievements. But, "Oh look what a WOMAN did!" just makes me think we're in 1910s women's lib movement. It's 2015. Granted, I'm all for highlighting segmented achievements. For example, in the case of the first two graduates from Army Ranger school who are female, that's a victory worth celebrating. For the two people, I am proud. For the institutions that took so damn long to allow this to even take place? Shame and embarrassment. Should've been much sooner. But I'm glad it's available now just the same as an option for women who were previously denied entrance. To me, it's OBVIOUS that women and men are equally capable in most things if they have the abilities. Not all men can be army rangers - I can't! - these two women can. I can't give birth. But implant a uterus in me and, by golly, suddenly I can. There's things where differences between gender matter. But it's highly unlikely I will meet MOST women under circumstances where that will make a darned bit of difference.