I saw this illogical gem snuck into an article I was reading: "Relying on local storage on its own can be a terrible decision these days, as having a cloud-based storage system can allow data to be accessed on multiple platforms, making data loss an almost outdated fear. " The fact that you can access data on multiple platforms, does _not_ eliminate data loss or fear. A terrible decision? *sigh*. The Cloud is marvelous and I love it for so many reasons. The only thing that makes it superior to many local data storage situation is because people are TERRIBLE at backing up. The Cloud is paid backup services under a different banner. I'm not criticizing the Cloud... just the marketing of it. I've seen websites come and go, permanent solutions disappear upon mergers and acquisitions. I feel bad for anybody who entirely hosts their data on the cloud; it's fine as a backup though. If you _are_ relying on the Cloud for everything, remember to back up locally as well. For permanent archival, yes: Paper. Old fashioned advice? Not at all. Ease of access is _almost_ everything but it's still not everything. Our short-term attention span allows us to forget the recent past very quickly in carrots dangled in a hopeful future as if it's today. Maybe it is. The Cloud is extremely reliable. But as we've noticed with Facebook over the past few weeks, a nice reminder that, no, online isn't everything. It may be most things, but not everything. Keep an external hard drive handy and save some of your most important stuff locally as well. You never know. Stuff you JUST CAN'T LOSE EVER? Paper. Yes, paper. Carve in stone if it really matters.