"In what kinds of ways are these things related?" When you want to understand something a little more deeply, an interesting experiment to try is to go to the Wikipedia of other languages and then run Google Translate through them. They have different writers, different ways of describing things, and a difficult concept can become clear when backtranslated into your native tongue. I happened upon the Wikipedia page for "Implication" by searching for a generic question that popped up in my head: ""In what kinds of ways are these things related?" Curious when I found no results for that exact phrase, I went to the language I know second best, Spanish. "*En qu* tipo de formas son estas cosas relacionadas?" I happen to know from my Spanish classes and readings of Borges in particular that Spanish and Portuguese literature is _very_ philosophical in nature, touching upon areas that we barely get to see in US academia, so I had hoped they'd have a more interesting set of Google search results. I was not disappointed. The first page for a search for *En qu* tipo de formas son estas cosas relacionadas? [still no exact matches] was the Spanish Wikipedia entry for "Implication". Translated back to English, the opening paragraphs were marvelous descriptions of the nature of "Cause". Interestingly, Google Translate chose "Involvement" instead of "Implication" on the first line, likely due to the relationship between INVOLVE and "FOLDING IN" or "infolded" [-Volve = Fold - the V became an F, the 2nd V became a D] It's a nice distinction missing from the English Wikipedia, which does not have a direct page like this; the closest page for it is one for an Analytical Philosophy Logic page, but in the English it goes straight to some heavy analytical logic stuff and misses the very descriptive introduction as found in the Spanish Wikipedia. Implication Involvement (in Latin - plicare) refers to the fact that there is something "folding" or bending inside something that hides what's inside, so that the interior is not visible or audible even if there. The implication is opposed to the term explanation (ex Latin - plicare), which is the fact that the display is folded; take outside, make visible, or comprehensible, what is "involved" something inside that made it hidden or not understandable. The reality of the world as an implicate order The reality of the world we are not manifested as a set of things or isolated events, but, on the contrary, appears as a process, as a set of facts and interrelated things so that some things "depend" on others, some events "happen" to others, or happen "as long as" an "order" occurs between certain circumstances etc. etc. These relationships in which some things depend on others, or facts happen to others, we often understand , in general, under the idea of cause . The knowledge of the world through some elaborate data captured by the senses; and conceptual and linguistically manage and communicate to others as we interpret reality and "believe" that we know the world as reality. This belief in the way of knowing the world as a relation of causes, expressed in thought and language through the conditional sentences that logic is formalized linguistically as: The chain of cause and effect constitute a new cause with an effect of the combination: parallel Cause and effect "If it rains the ground is wet" "When it rains the ground is wet"