One of the things I like about Anonymous is the warning. I was involved in early 1990s hacker groups a little, but more of an observer and some of them would go on causes, some for the betterment of society.. some not so much. The nice thing about growing up from BBS' --> early Internet --> today, is I know how everything works. I can feel the Internet pulse, all the connections of all of the people, because I remember when they were relatively countable, and swelled with joy at watching all of society turn into nerds like me, even the Media. Systems are so damn easy to take down. I like the fact that Anonymous gives warnings generally. "This is what we're going to do". ::: figures out how to do it ::: - and then does it. The stuff I was involved in in group was more subversive crap and even then, I mostly observed. When I *did* want to take someone down, it was for a cause but I didn't announce it. I didn't involve the media. I didn't do any of that. Something just needed to happen, and suddenly, it did. Anonymous is a political group, and plays the political game via mass media, and I can respect it. I'm just not much for politics, even when I agree with a group. Just, not a joiner. I can tell you some really EASY ways a group like Anonymous could cause focused havoc. Go after NTP. But, the thing is, Anonymous won't. Nobody who is involved on the Internet and depends on it will do that. Mess with Time synchronization and you've wrecked the Internet. Plus, no terrorist group, whatever their causes, will do so either., because the same people who know HOW to wreck the Network Time Protocol [and it's not hard - I messed up my own computer clock by playing with Time... propagated a Time difference to a few networks just for fun last year) - all you have to do is turn your computer into a Time Server,which controls the pulse of the 'net... online gaming, everything. DDos attacks are for middle school - they used to try to take down my Minecraft server a few years back. puleeze - I don't even run firewalls tongue emoticon But.. again.. it's too far. It's like blowing up the road you're driving on right in front of you. It's why I wouldn't be any good to groups. I have fun but wouldn't want something to seriously negatively affect someone else. Not my way.