The potential for abuseis quite real and yes, a four-room changing scenario is more logical. Still, I don't think there should be a need for gendered changing rooms anyhow; but our cultures have built up a very strong secrecy about the body; the prize dangled (pun intended) as reward for marriage. But will Planet Fitness change society's attitudes towards the human body? *Hard to say. *Maybe a 3rd changing room for "Other" would suffice. You have to remember: keeping locker rooms gender-separated DOESN'T eliminate abuse. *Gay men and Lesbian women have used locker rooms as pickup places as long as there have been locker rooms, so no matter what you do, you have to be on your guard a little. Thankfully, I never cared who I was changing in the room with. *I've been in mixed-gender changing rooms, same gender, all the same. *We all look weird naked. *I find the human body hysterically funny.